Site Launches

So I finally launched the new web site for around 4 am this morning.
Now my site matches the design of it as well so you’ll know off the bat that they are related.

I’ve got quite a bit of changes in the pipeline for users and I’ll be cross
posting here and on the main site (it has a blog section now).

Don’t forget we’re also on Facebook and Google+.
Don’t have a “company” Twitter account but you can always follow mine.

More news coming soon…

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SSL Certificate Update

So I finally found a solution for pretty much all of our encryption needs
for Inexistence services and such.

StartSSL provides a free SSL certificate service I have enabled all the
hosts that require SSL with new certificates so guess what this means?

No more stupid SSL connection errors no self signed nightmare.

Enjoy your encryption.
PS. If you would like SSL enabled for some reason on your site please
let me know and I’ll see what I can do (and if it’s even justified).

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Super Upgrade Mode…

So tonight I finally got to roll the Debian 6.0 (Squeeze) update on Inexistence.
There may be some hiccups for the next few days as I fix anything that it broke.

I also started rolling IPv6 support now.
I will start adding AAAA dns records as I continue to test the functionality of each host.
All AAAA records have been set for all hosts now.

So please be patient if you notice anything break, I will more than likely be made aware
of it as it happens and will fix it as soon as I can…

Thanks and enjoy as always!

Updates to follow below (for any hiccups and their fixes):
Slight hiccup detected with sendmail: local emailing (aka cron jobs) weren’t working as
expected thanks to snafu. Fixed now from my preliminary tests aka all
my cron job emails are coming in.

Did some changes to apache2 to improve performance and security.

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Applying some varnish

So I installed and setup varnish tonight.
Everyone should start to see a speedup on page loads / requests for all sites on inexistence.

As always please let me know if you have any issues with your site(s).


PS. I fixed the files that shouldn’t be cached like audio / video files so things return to their
proper streaming speeds.

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Updates 06-06-2010

Did some slight upgrading to stuff and some configuration changes.
Zend Optimizer 3.3.9 x64 was installed (used to be 3.3.3 x64)
eAccelerator was installed (used to be
I also changed some php.ini settings:
register_argc_argv = ‘Off’
always_populate_raw_post_data = ‘Off’
magic_quotes_gpc = ‘Off’

If you need any of these on you can add them to your .htaccess or please let me know
and I will either turn it back on or direct you how to live without them.

I also did the apt-get and svn updates…

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