
I’m currently fiddling with IPv6 support for Inexistence.

I’ve enabled it for this blog technically now…
You can reach it via this crazy link.

I’ve yet to setup hostname mapping and the like so it just does a redirect to here…

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Inexistence Gets another upgrade!

Well folks it’s that time of year again…
Inexistence got a nice shot in the arm today:
We went from an AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 to….

Drum roll please…

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

We also will be putting some new drives in sometime this week.
This hardware upgrade comes from co-founder DaVs…
So if you know him and use our services be sure to thank him!

And more to come soon…

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Webalizer Log Files…

Ok I did a log file rotation for all webalizer logs…
A bunch of sites had log files that were rather large…

What this means is your /usage for September might be off.
Though I bet you didn’t know you had a /usage on your domain.

Back to the normal schedule…

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Updates, Updates, Updates!

Yes I’ve promised to update this page more often and keep failing this so I’ll stop making those promises…

This site will still be updated just don’t be offended if it takes forever…

Now on to the latest news:
I’m working with Koji Studios pretty frequently.
All debian apt-get updates/upgrades have been applied today.
Roundcubemail is current as of yesterday (svn).
Wordpress is still current on all vhosts that I maintain.
All systems are go…

Later 😛

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Xiph support added…

Well I’ve been playing around with ogg vorbis and theora again and I decided to add support.

If you want to host a ogv (theora/ogg vorbis) file on inexistence it should work flawlessly.
I added support for oggz-chop and the mime types are set correctly.

I did not set remote access (hotlinking to videos from outside sites not on inexistence)
you will have to ask me nicely to enable that feature for you…

For more information you can check out Working with Theora

PS. If you are using a macos x based computer I would recommend installing: XiphQT
Or you can always use Firefox 3.5.x on any computer to play Xiph audio/video…

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