Today it was brought to my attention that inexistence.org’s domain name expired.
Less than 20 minutes later we are back up…
Sorry for the “slight” service interruption everyone.
Oh and if you still cannot connect to inexistence you really should be using opendns
by now. In other words go change your DNS settings so things work better!
Updates 01-30-2010
So out of left field Debian pushed out some updates:
base-files dhcp3-client dhcp3-common dpkg dpkg-dev fetchmail
gnome-network-admin gnome-system-tools libdbd-mysql-perl libfam-dev libfam0
libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-dev libkpathsea4 libmysqlclient15-dev
libmysqlclient15off libsmbclient libwbclient0 linux-headers-2.6.26-2-amd64
linux-headers-2.6.26-2-common linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64 linux-libc-dev
login mysql-client-5.0 mysql-common mysql-server mysql-server-5.0 passwd
samba samba-common samba-doc spamassassin spamc system-tools-backends
totem-common totem-gstreamer totem-mozilla totem-plugins tzdata usbutils
Then I did some svn pulls and roundcube had so many changes I actually did a totally fresh pull.
So once again we’re up to date…
read moreUpdates 01-05-2010
Once again wordpress has been upgraded on all accounts I manage to 2.9.1.
svn pulls have been performed as well.
apt-get stuff etc…
DKIM is rocking still…
And so ends another update notice.
read moreSPF, DKIM, Mail Changes
I’ve implemented spf tags onto inexistence mail to help with spam filtering
(I’m currently just marking headers not failing stuff).
I’ve also implemented DKIM signatures for select domain names.
(Also not failing unsigned domains and all domains are in test mode).
But if you were expecting an email and haven’t received it and
they have confirmed they sent it please let me know…
I know internally there are no email problems so I will receive your notifications.
PS. If you all of a sudden cannot use your email client of choice
set the auth to LOGIN sometimes called PASSWORD
do not use the MD5 / NTLM stuff as you’ll need my help.
Updates 11-18-2009
And the updates for today are:
All WordPress installs are up to date.
SVN pulls have been done.
apt-get update / dist-upgrade has been done.
IPV6 is coming back soon just have to re-enable the tunnel.
On a side note I’m playing around with the idea of dovecot or another wu-imapd
replacement, I’ll let you know what I decide.