
I added eaccelerator to inexistence this evening.
The old install had this and it helped speed up php quite a bit.

So I enabled it for the new install we are currently running and of course
we still have Zend Optimizer runing as well.

I also took the liberty to upgrade several wordpress plugins for
the installs we have here on inexistence.

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SSL & Push…

Well folks I did a bunch of changes this evening:

All ssl enabled hosts moved to the default port (443) we are
now using a wildcard ssl self signed cert (yes it’s naughty.)
I also deployed a new service tonight “Push” for all Exchange
supported “Smart” devices like Blackberries and iPod/iPhone.

The setup is as follows:
Email account: [email protected]
Server: push.inexistence.org
Domain: (Leave this blank)
Username: your username
Password: your password
SSL: Enabled (I only have it enabled for SSL so if you can’t use it sorry!)

I also upgraded Roundcubemail (svn update) again tonight a bunch of
changes came in. I apologize for all the folks who added exceptions for
the SSL certs to their computers. You may now delete them as we’re using
valid certs now instead of the self signed ones…


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Upgrades 05-27-2009

Did another svn pull on roundcubemail (revision 2547)

Some new features were added in this release:
– Support UID EXPUNGE: remove only moved/deleted messages
– Add drag cancelling with ESC key (#1484344)
– Support initial identity name from virtuser_query (#1484003)
– Added message menu, removed Print and Source buttons
– Added possibility to save message as .eml file (#1485861)
– Added 1 minute interval in autosave options (#1485854)
– Support UTF-7 encoding in messages (#1485832)
– Better support for malformed character names (#1485758)

Hope you enjoy RoundCubemail as much as I do!

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Upgrades 05-18-2009

Did another svn update on Roundcubemail tonight

Did an apt-get upgrade and a new libc6-dev package was pushed by debian.
(Not that this matters to users)

That’s about it tonight I think…

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Concerning Hotmail…

I had to edit the sendmail access database today and remove a filter I put in there awhile ago:
From:hotmail.com IGNORE ZonelessDate

That entry created an issue that was blocking all hotmail emails to inexistence.
This has been rectified and I apologize to anyone that was expecting an email.

So in case you were wondering, yes hotmail users can email us again…

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Upgrades 05-14-2009

Did an svn update on roundcubemail tonight:

Upgraded squirrelmail to the latest 1.4.18:

Upgraded phpmyadmin to the latest 3.1.4:


PS: I’ll be checking for other upgrades and such and will list any changes of course.

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Tomcat added…

I just installed apache tomcat 5.5 on inexistence.org.

If you have a need for using it please request it at the support site.

This is all..

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I fixed the dnsbl (Blacklisting) for sendmail.
It’s been awhile since I checked the config and noticed we were using the wrong host:
sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org when we should be using zen.spamhaus.org.

I have made the proper change and fine tuned some other sendmail configuration options.
And from what I notice in the logs spam is cut down again even more than before…

Please let me know if an email you were expecting doesn’t arrive at the support site.

Thanks and enjoy!

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Mimedefang Milter…

Well I added the Milter (Mail fILTER) MIMEDefang to sendmail on inexistence…

Hopefully this will mitigate the spam some people are receiving…

Let me know if you have any issues on the support site.

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Php5 Updates…

I did an apt-get update today:
libapache2-mod-php5 php-pear php5 php5-cgi php5-cli php5-common php5-curl php5-dev php5-gd php5-gmp php5-imap php5-mcrypt php5-mhash php5-mysql php5-pspell php5-snmp php5-sqlite php5-tidy php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl

They are all updates from security…

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