Inexistence Gets another upgrade!

Well folks it’s that time of year again…
Inexistence got a nice shot in the arm today:
We went from an AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 to….

Drum roll please…

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

We also will be putting some new drives in sometime this week.
This hardware upgrade comes from co-founder DaVs…
So if you know him and use our services be sure to thank him!

And more to come soon…

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Webalizer Log Files…

Ok I did a log file rotation for all webalizer logs…
A bunch of sites had log files that were rather large…

What this means is your /usage for September might be off.
Though I bet you didn’t know you had a /usage on your domain.

Back to the normal schedule…

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Updates, Updates, Updates!

Yes I’ve promised to update this page more often and keep failing this so I’ll stop making those promises…

This site will still be updated just don’t be offended if it takes forever…

Now on to the latest news:
I’m working with Koji Studios pretty frequently.
All debian apt-get updates/upgrades have been applied today.
Roundcubemail is current as of yesterday (svn).
Wordpress is still current on all vhosts that I maintain.
All systems are go…

Later 😛

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Xiph support added…

Well I’ve been playing around with ogg vorbis and theora again and I decided to add support.

If you want to host a ogv (theora/ogg vorbis) file on inexistence it should work flawlessly.
I added support for oggz-chop and the mime types are set correctly.

I did not set remote access (hotlinking to videos from outside sites not on inexistence)
you will have to ask me nicely to enable that feature for you…

For more information you can check out Working with Theora

PS. If you are using a macos x based computer I would recommend installing: XiphQT
Or you can always use Firefox 3.5.x on any computer to play Xiph audio/video…

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WordPress 2.8.4

I’m currently updating all wordpress sites to 2.8.4.
Sorry about the lack of updates…

I’m on facebook now and it sucks up time not to mention work…

More later..

PS. My one year anniversary with my wife Gwyn is this weekend, wow what a fast year!

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WordPress 2.8.2

I updated most of the wordpress sites to 2.8.2 tonight.
Working on the wife’s site currently (playing with wordtube).

That’s all for now.

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Small Update

Hey Folks,
I know it’s been awhile since my last post as
I’ve been working a lot lately.

So here’s a small update for those that care:
I updated all debian security related packages.
I update roundcube of course to the latest svn.
I updated z-push to the svn contrib branch.
I tweaked some apache settings to help improve stuff.
I am posting for the first time on my iPod to this page,
using the wordpress app of course.
Hopefully I will be less lax on the updates since I can
post mobile style now.

So ends the update off to bed.

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SORBS shutting down…and it’s affect…

“It comes with great sadness that I have to announce the imminent closure of SORBS. The University of Queensland have decided not to honor their agreement with myself and SORBS and terminate the hosting contract.

I have been involved with institutions such as Griffith University trying to arrange alternative hosting for SORBS, but as of 12 noon, 22nd June 2009 no hosting has been acquired and therefore I have been forced in to this announcement. SORBS is officially “For Sale” should anyone wish to purchase it as a going concern, but failing that and failing to find alternative hosting for a 42RU rack in the Brisbane area of Queensland Australia SORBS will be shutting down permanently in 28 days, on 20th July 2009 at 12 noon.”

Now the somewhat good news, I stopped using SORBS about 2 years ago…
We use Spamhaus and other things here on inexistence so the spam filtering
shall continue even when SORBS is gone…
Just thought I should allay some fears and clarify a few things on the matter

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Upgrades 06-17-2009

Well it has been awhile here are some updates to share with you folks:

Debian security updates apache2-mpm-prefork (2.2.9-10+lenny3) is now installed.
Z-Push has been downgraded from svn back to 1.2.2RC
(Proper TimeZone actually set now)
All wordpress blogs that I maintain are now 2.8 with all plugins updated
Roundcubemail is the latest svn pull now
phpmyadmin upgraded to 3.2 and all pma operations are now available
(fixed the privileges)

I think that covers the updates for tonight, hope someone cares…

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I installed alpine 2.0 this evening, for all people with shell access.
If you enjoy using “pine” or have used pine on other servers you can now do so,
via shell login on inexistence.

I also symlinked it to pine so either “alpine” or “pine” will bring it up.
Hope someone wanted this I can’t remember if there was a request or not.


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