SQL the constant headache…

So tonight I went from the stable version of mysql 5.0.51a to 5.1.49 from debian backports.

We’ve been having issues with database corruptions hopefully this will help out.
Please let me know if any of your sql powered sites have issues…

As always enjoy and I hope everything is great on your end…

Update – 10/18/2010
So the backport upgrade really didn’t help much…
I now have a custom shell script I wrote checking the databases every day around 4am.
If you site goes down around then don’t be surprised and a refresh of your browser should do the trick..
(It takes about 2 to 4 seconds to run and re-spawns mysql to fix the OOM issue it still causes)
I cannot wait till squeeze comes out (next version of Debian).

That is all…

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SSH Access…

All SSH access is currently denied for all users as there is a rather evil kernel bug:
Hole in Linux kernel provides root rights

Of course Debian hasn’t patched this in backports yet (which we currently use).
So until this is fixed please drop me a support ticket if you really need shell access.

Otherwise please be patient and I’ll let you know when I lift the ban…

Debian has fixed this with the latest backport kernel upgrade.
Enjoy your shell access again folks!

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Applying some varnish

So I installed and setup varnish tonight.
Everyone should start to see a speedup on page loads / requests for all sites on inexistence.

As always please let me know if you have any issues with your site(s).


PS. I fixed the files that shouldn’t be cached like audio / video files so things return to their
proper streaming speeds.

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QoS Enabled (Again)

So I once again enabled QoS (I forgot to enable it when we came back to
using dd-wrt from the airport extreme).

For those who wonder what QoS is that explains it pretty well.

To explain it in easier terms I had to reserve part of the network so upstream
cannot be flooded causing a denial of service. Now mind you a very slight denial
of service more of a lag of service and this fixes the issue quite well. Sadly
this also causes another issue and that is people will now download slightly slower
from the server but everything will be more responsive so the trade off is entirely worth it.

The reason I re-enabled this service is because I’ve noticed several users sending very
large attachments (email) to yahoo. Now normally this isn’t much of an issue but yahoo uses
a deferral system the basically causes inexistence to keep retrying to send said email.
Which yahoo rejects until they decide when it’s ok for the email to be delivered.

(Yes we use DKIM and SPF so there is nothing I can do to accelerate it any further).

So for anyone sending email to yahoo and wondering why it takes so long for
them to get it, this is why and if you really care about the person you are sending
email to then I would strongly suggest to them to use a better service.

Gmail, Hotmail, MobileMe, and many more exist and do the job in a more
standards conforming manner that doesn’t piss off our server..

That’s all for now.

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Old Spice Ads…

If the eye is the window to the soul, the armpit is the driveway to the garage where the power tools are kept.

Old Spice on Facebook.

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